Tuesday, December 26, 2006

cheap champagne does not help one to get to work on time the next day

So... It's Christmas and my typing skills are limited. It's already been a messy one and I've got to hang around in Forres for a while yet. Hmm. Need to find my phone.

Anyway, we won the quiz again t'other day. We pretty much rock. Alice was our most recent member. I don't think she really got it.

I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to entertain you with any good tales of the night because, frankly, I can't recall any specifics (that word doesn't look right.)

I need a drink.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

on an unrelated note...

I've never really liked Australians but my God, I hate those chipper, classless, every-sentence-is-a-question cunts even more than usual right now.

And I'm not even English.